Showing posts with label Application Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Application Security. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Be Mindful - Does Mobile Apps Respect Your Privacy?

'Stickybeak' Apps Threaten User Privacy 

Not surprisingly, a new report has found mobile apps are failing to provide users with basic privacy protections.

The report's authors put the failures they detected into three basic categories. Sixty percent of the apps they studied either:

  • Did not disclose how they used personal information
  • Required the user to give up an excessive amount of personal data
  • Communicated privacy policies in type too small to be read on a phone's screen

As the Wall Street Journal points out in this blog post, it's not currently required for apps to have a privacy policy. However, we may soon see changes in this area of the law, especially where health apps are concerned. Currently, there are more than 100,000 health-related apps just available via smartphones.

Be mindful of any app that does not include a privacy policy, and train yourself not to just hit "Accept" on those data-gathering permission requests that pop up after you download a new one.

You should absolutely understand what you are being asked to give up to take advantage of the app. Is it worth it?

Monday, September 23, 2013

How To Reduce Application Security Risk?

Survey shows serious misalignment between IT Executives & Engineers

Ponemon Institute independently surveyed 642 IT professionals in both executive and engineering positions. The majority of the respondents were at a supervisory level or higher. Over half of the respondents are employed by organizations of more than 5,000 employees.

Based on the responses, the primary finding is that a much higher percentage of executive-level respondents believe their organizations are following security procedures through the lifecycle of application development than do the engineers who are closest to executing the security processes.

This is a serious and potentially dangerous misalignment. Another troubling conclusion is that most organizations are only taking minimal steps to address application security throughout their development process.

The most effective way to reduce application security risk is to implement a formal, repeatable development process that includes secure coding standards to enable the early detection and remediation of vulnerabilities.

Mature organizations tend to have highly effective application security programs that include the three pillars of a secure SDLC:

  • Application Security Standards
  • Regular Security Assessments for measurement
  • Training for each role in the SDLC

The mature organizations share common characteristics by:

  • Writing and adopting security architecture and development standards.
  • Training their development teams on application security topics based on role, platform, and technology used.
  • Conducting regular assessments on their applications and processes to make sure the implementation of standards is effective.
  • Ensuring that their executives, technicians and staff understand the importance of application security as part of the organizations’ overall risk management strategy and collaborate on ensuring the practices described above are in place.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Beware - Trojans on Google Play Infected Up to 25,000 Devices

Malicious Apps were designed to send text messages to premium numbers

Researchers at Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web recently uncovered three malicious Android apps on Google Play that install the Android.SmsSend Trojan, which sends text messages to premium numbers without the user's permission.

All three apps, which are audio players and a video player that displays adult content, were uploaded by a Vietnamese developer called AppStore Jsc.

According to Doctor Web, the apps have been installed between 11,000 and 25,000 times.

Each app asks the user for permission to download additional content, such as adult video clips in the case of the video app -- but that download the installs the Trojan.

"The program covertly sends short messages to the short number 8775 which is specified in the malware's configuration file," Doctor Web notes.

"It is noteworthy that this Trojan really does enable a user to view adult video clips. Apparently, the attackers implemented this feature to avoid unnecessary suspicion."

Friday, May 31, 2013

Sandcat - Penetration Testing Oriented Browser for Pen-Testers

Sandcat Browser brings unique features that are useful for pen-testers and web developers

Sandcat is targeted at penetration testers - people who test websites for security holes - but could also be useful for developers, or anyone else who would like a little more low-level control over their browsing .. This is a capable security testing and developer-oriented browser.

Sandcat Browser is a freeware portable pen-test oriented multi-tabbed web-browser with extensions support developed by the Syhunt team. It is built on top of Chromium, the same engine that powers the Google Chrome browser and uses the LUA language to provide extensions and scripting support.

It has many useful security and developer oriented tools updated to version 4.0 with the fastest scripting language packed with features for pen-testers such as: 
  • Live HTTP Headers — built-in live headers with a dedicated cache per tab and support for preview extensions
  • Sandcat Console — an extensible command line console; Allows you to easily run custom commands and scripts in a loaded page
  • Resources tab — allows you to view the page resources, such as JavaScript files and other web files.
  • Page Menu extensions — allows you to view details about a page and more.
  • Pen-Tester Tools — Sandcat comes with a multitude of pen-test oriented extensions. This includes a Fuzzer, a Script Runner, HTTP & XHR Editors, Request Loader, Request Replay capabilities, Tor support and more.
Features inherited from Chromium include:
  • Multi-Process Architecture — each tab is its own process
  • Developer Tools — in addition to the Chromium Developer Tools, Sandcat comes with a Source Code Editor and its own JavaScript and Lua consoles.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In-House App Stores is MUST for Enterprise?

A Do-it-Yourself Approach to Ensuring Mobile Security

As personal mobile devices become ubiquitous in corporate networks - even in organizations without official bring-your-own-device policies - IT and security personnel are implementing new approaches to prevent malware and ensure data integrity. 

One approach beginning to take root is the creation of in-house corporate app stores, where organizations offer users access to custom-built, secure applications designed specifically for that organization, along with access to approved public apps for smart phones, tablets and other personal devices.

Tackling Application Insecurity

With malware infesting the authorized commercial app stores, including the two largest - Google Play for Android and to a lesser extent, the Apple iOS App Store - corporate security and IT executives are exploring new strategies to limit the use of unauthorized applications on devices connected to corporate networks.

Because of the rapid growth in the use of personal devices for work-related tasks, IT departments generally do not permit users to install any application on corporate computers but many companies still have not yet established similar policies for personal devices. 

Companies that opt for a private app store can minimize much of that risk by requiring users to select only from applications that are certified by their employer as safe.

Any suggestions or ideas?

Monday, October 1, 2012

NIST Issues Access-Control Guidance

Guidelines for Access-Control Systems Evaluate Metrics

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has released an interagency report, Guidelines for Access-Control Systems Evaluation Metrics, which provides background information on access-control properties.

NIST says the guidance, NISTIR 7874, is aimed to help access control experts improve their evaluation of the highest security access-control systems by discussing the administration, enforcement, performance and support properties of mechanisms that are embedded in each access-control system. The new report extends the information in NISTIR 7316, Assessment of Access Control Systems, which demonstrates the fundamental concepts of policy, models and mechanisms of access-control systems.

Why is this guidance important?

NIST explains: Adequate security of information and information systems is a fundamental management responsibility. Nearly all applications include some form of access control. Access control is concerned with determining the allowed activities of legitimate users, mediating every attempt by a user to access a resource in the system.

Access control is concerned with how authorizations are structured; in some systems, complete access is granted after successful authentication of the user, but most systems require more sophisticated and complex control. Access-control system planning consists of three primary abstractions: Policies, models and mechanisms.

According to NIST, policies consist of high-level requirements that specify how access is managed and who may access information under what circumstances. At a high level, access-control policies are enforced through a mechanism that translates a user's access request, often in terms of a structure that a system provides.

Access-control models bridge the gap in abstraction between policy and mechanism. Rather than attempting to evaluate and analyze access-control systems exclusively at the mechanism level, access-control models are usually written to describe the security properties of an access-control system.

These systems come with a wide variety of features and administrative capabilities, and their operational impact can be significant. In particular, NIST says, this impact can pertain to administrative and user productivity, as well as to the organization's ability to perform its mission. It's reasonable to use quality metrics to verify the mechanical properties of access-control systems.

The publication provides metrics for the evaluation of AC systems based on these features:

  • Administration, the main consideration of cost;
  • Enforcement capabilities, the requirements for access-control applications;
  • Performance, a major factor for access-control usability; and
  • Support, functions allowing an access-control system to use and connect to related technologies so as to enable more efficient integration with network and host services.

"Because of the rigorous nature of the metrics and the knowledge needed to gather them, these metrics are intended to be used by access-control experts who are evaluating the highest security access-control systems," the authors of the report write.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

8 Steps to Promote Secure Mobile Apps

FTC Issues Guide on Getting It Right from the Start

Developing secure mobile applications is just one part of the process in creating new programs. Communicating how applications are secured - whether informing end users in your enterprise or marketing to consumers - is crucial in building IT security awareness among stakeholders.

The Federal Trade Commission has just published a guide to help mobile application developers observe truth-in-advertising and basic privacy principles when marketing new mobile apps. The FTC's new publication, Marketing Your Mobile App: Get It Right from the Start, notes that there are eight general guidelines that all app developers should consider.

The FTIC guidelines are:

Tell the truth about what the app can do.

False or misleading claims, as well as the omission of certain important information, can irritate users and land the application developer in legal hot water.

Disclose key information clearly and conspicuously.

Most people react negatively if they think a company tries to pull a fast one by hiding important information. Users are more likely to continue to do business with an organization that gives them the straight story up front.

Build privacy considerations in from the start.

Limit the information collected, securely store data and safely dispose of information no longer needed. For any collection or sharing of information that's not apparent, get users' express agreement. That way, customers aren't unwittingly disclosing information they didn't mean to share.

Offer choices that are easy to find and easy to use.

Make it easy for people to find the tools that are offered and design them so they're simple to use. Follow through by honoring the choices users have made. 

Honor privacy promises.

Chances are assurances are made to users about the security standards and how personally identifiable information is used. App developers must live up to those promises.

Protect children's privacy.

Mobile application developers have additional requirements under the federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act if the application is designed for minors or if the application collects personal information about children.

Collect sensitive information only with consent.

Even when not dealing with children's information, it's important to get users' approval before collecting any sensitive data from them, such as medical, financial or precise geolocation information.

Keep user data secure.

The law requires application developers marketing their programs to take reasonable steps to keep sensitive data secure. One way to make that task easier: Don't collect information in the first place if there's no specific need for it.

People rely on mobile technology for a lot of stuff and they need to know what the developer has done to lock down apps, to protect against the types of attacks we're seeing.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nothing for Free Especially Mobile Apps

Mobile App Developers Scoop Up Vast Amounts of Data

Many of my friends use a large number of free apps, and I'm vigilant in reminding them: "Nothing in life is free."

I challenge them to consider: What information are you giving in exchange for the "super cool" app? What is the app's owner doing with that information?

Be careful what you freely give away to unknown suppliers who tempt you with tantalizing fun and games.

Here's a good article with a high-level overview that points to some good research on the topic.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

10 Crazy IT Security Tricks That Actually Work

IT security threats are constantly evolving. It's time for IT security pros to get ingenious

Network and endpoint security may not strike you as the first place to scratch an experimental itch. After all, protecting the company's systems and data should call into question any action that may introduce risk.

But IT security threats constantly evolve, and sometimes you have to think outside the box to keep ahead of the more ingenious evildoers. And sometimes you have to get a little crazy.

10 security ideas that have been -- and in many cases still are -- shunned as too offbeat to work but that function quite effectively in helping secure the company's IT assets.

The companies employing these methods don't care about arguing or placating the naysayers. They see the results and know these methods work, and they work well.

Innovative security technique No. 1: Renaming admins

Renaming privileged accounts to something less obvious than "administrator" is often slammed as a wasteful, "security by obscurity" defense. However, this simple security strategy works. If the attacker hasn't already made it inside your network or host, there's little reason to believe they'll be able to readily discern the new names for your privileged accounts.

If they don't know the names, they can't mount a successful password-guessing campaign against them. Even bigger bonus? Never in the history of automated malware -- the campaigns usually mounted against workstations and servers -- has an attack attempted to use anything but built-in account names. By renaming your privileged accounts, you defeat hackers and malware in one step. Plus, it's easier to monitor and alert on log-on attempts to the original privileged account names when they're no longer in use.

Innovative security technique No. 2: Getting rid of admins

Another recommendation is to get rid of all wholesale privileged accounts: administrator, domain admin, enterprise admin, and every other account and group that has built-in, widespread, privileged permissions by default.

True, Windows still allows you to create an alternate Administrator account, but today's most aggressive computer security defenders recommend getting rid of all built-in privileged accounts, at least full-time. Still, many network admins see this as going a step too far, an overly draconian measure that won't work. Well, at least one Fortune 100 company has eliminated all built-in privileged accounts, and it's working great.

The company presents no evidence of having been compromised by an APT (advanced persistent threat). And nobody is complaining about the lack of privileged access, either on the user side or from IT. Why would they? They aren't getting hacked.

Innovative security technique No. 3: Honeypots

Modern computer honeypots have been around since the days of Clifford Stoll's "The Cuckoo's Egg," and they still don't aren't as respected or as widely adopted as they deserve. A honeypot is any computer asset that is set up solely to be attacked. Honeypots have no production value.

They sit and wait, and they are monitored. When a hacker or malware touches them, they send an alert to an admin so that the touch can be investigated. They provide low noise and high value. The shops that use honeypots get notified quickly of active attacks. In fact, nothing beats a honeypot for early warning -- except for a bunch of honeypots, called a honeynet.

Innovative security technique No. 4: Using nondefault ports

Another technique for minimizing security risk is to install services on nondefault ports. Like renaming privileged accounts, this security-by-obscurity tactic goes gangbusters. When zero-day, remote buffer overflow threats become weaponized by worms, computer viruses, and so on, they always -- and only -- go for the default ports.

This is the case for SQL injection surfers, HTTP worms, SSH discoverers, and any other common remote advertising port. Recently Symantec's pcAnywhere and Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol suffered remote exploits. When these exploits became weaponized, it was a race against the clock for defenders to apply patches or block the ports before the worms could arrive. If either service had been running on a nondefault port, the race wouldn't even begin.

That's because in the history of automated malware, malware has only ever tried the default port.

Innovative security technique No. 5: Installing to custom directories

Another security-by-obscurity defense is to install applications to nondefault directories. This one doesn't work as well as it used to, given that most attacks happen at the application file level today, but it still has value.

Like the previous security-by-obscurity recommendations, installing applications to custom directories reduces risk -- automated malware almost never looks anywhere but the default directories. If malware is able to exploit your system or application, it will try to manipulate the system or application by looking for default directories. Install your OS or application to a nonstandard directory and you screw up its coding.

Changing default folders doesn't have as much bang for the buck as the other techniques mentioned here, but it fools a ton of malware, and that means reduced risk.

Innovative security technique No. 6: Tarpits 

Today, many networks (and honeypots) have tarpit functionality, which answers for any nonvalid connection attempt. The only downside: Tarpits can cause problems with legitimate services if the tarpits answer prematurely because the legitimate server responded slowly. Remember to fine-tune the tarpit to avoid these false positives and enjoy the benefits.

Innovative security technique No. 7: Network traffic flow analysis

With foreign hackers abounding, one of the best ways to discover massive data theft is through network traffic flow analysis. Free and commercial software is available to map your network flows and establish baselines for what should be going where. That way, if you see hundreds of gigabytes of data suddenly and unexpectedly heading offshore, you can investigate.

Most of the APT attacks I've investigated would have been recognized months earlier if the victim had an idea of what data should have been going where and when.

Innovative security technique No. 8: Screensavers

Password-protected screensavers are a simple technique for minimizing security risk. If the computing device is idle for too long, a screensaver requiring a password kicks in. Long criticized by users who considered them nuisances to their legitimate work, they're now a staple on every computing device, from laptops to slates to mobile phones.

Innovative security technique No. 9: Disabling Internet browsing on servers

Most computer risk is incurred by users' actions on the Internet. Organizations that disable Internet browsing or all Internet access on servers that don't need the connections significantly reduce that server's risk to maliciousness. You don't want bored admins picking up their email and posting to social networking sites while they're waiting for a patch to download.

Instead, block what isn't needed. For companies using Windows servers, consider disabling UAC (User Account Control) because the risk to the desktop that UAC minimizes isn't there. UAC can cause some security issues, so disabling it while maintaining strong security is a boon for many organizations.

Innovative security technique No. 10: Security-minded development

Any organization producing custom code should integrate security practices into its development process -- ensuring that code security will be reviewed and built in from day one in any coding project. Doing so absolutely will reduce the risk of exploitation in your environment.

This practice, sometimes known as SDL (Security Development Lifecycle), differs from educator to educator, but often includes the following tenets: use of secure programming languages; avoidance of knowingly insecure programming functions; code review; penetration testing; and a laundry list of other best practices aimed at reducing the likelihood of producing security bug-ridden code.

Microsoft, for one, has been able to significantly reduce the number of security bugs in every shipping product since instituting SDL. It offers lessons learned, free tools, and guidance at its SDL website.

This story, "10 crazy IT security tricks that actually work," was originally published at

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Law firms are a prime target for hackers

Mobile devices and apps provide multiple avenues for hackers to access confidential information

Laptops, cell phones and mobile apps for devices such as iPhones and Androids keep us constantly connected to friends, family and colleagues. Unfortunately, they also may be connecting lawyers to predatory hackers, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal.

Law firms are a prime target for hackers seeking to access valuable confidential information, such as documents related to upcoming mergers and acquisitions or litigation. Over the past few years, several Canadian and U.S. law firms have been targeted by hackers linked to Chinese computers, according to the article. In 2010, lawyers at Gipson Hoffman & Pancione received emails—ostensibly from members of the firm—that were designed to steal data from their computers.

At the time, the firm was representing a software company in a $2.2 billion lawsuit against the Chinese government and computer manufacturers. Emails are just one way for hackers to retrieve sensitive information. Popular cloud storage applications such as Dropbox, for instance, afford lawyers the convenience of accessing their files on multiple devices.

But these applications potentially leave information vulnerable to third parties—Dropbox reserves the right to turn over files in response to legal or regulatory requests.

To protect data security, many firms are advising attorneys to take increased security measures, such as encrypting messages, avoiding free Wi-Fi connections, password protecting their devices and deleting suspicious emails or text messages.

Read the full story at the Wall Street Journal.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Apple has released IOS Security

Apple IOS Security

Apple normally stays very quiet when it comes to discussing the security mechanisms of its products. Apple has released a document that will make life a little easier for anyone responsible for securing iOS devices.

The document, titled iOS Security, provides details on the system architecture, encryption and data protection, network security features and device access for iOS devices. If you develop policies and/or mechanisms for BYOD security, this is recommended reading. 

From the Apple iOS Security document:

“This document provides details about how security technology and features are implemented within the iOS platform. It also outlines key elements that organizations should understand when evaluating or deploying iOS devices on their networks.”

System architecture: The secure platform and hardware foundations of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Encryption and Data Protection: The architecture and design that protects the user’s data when the device is lost or stolen, or when an unauthorized person attempts to use or modify it.

Network security: Industry-standard networking protocols that provide secure authentication and encryption of data in transmission.

Device access: Methods that prevent unauthorized use of the device and enable it to be remotely wiped if lost or stolen.”

Is Apple now recognizing the growing threats their products face? Prior to this, security researchers have traditionally had to rely on reverse engineering Apple’s products to better understand their security mechanisms.

Refer here to download the document from Apple website.

Friday, June 8, 2012

How hackers could bring down Boeing's new Dreamliner jet

There is a hidden "back door" in the jet's computer chip

It would usually be a fairly safe bet to assume new passenger planes would be protected from hacking attacks, however this may not be the case with Boeing's new Dreamliner jet.

Experts have claimed a hidden “back door” in a computer chip used in the jets’ computer systems could be exploited by cyber-criminals in order to override and control the planes, the UK’s Guardian reported.

Researchers Sergei Skorobogatov of Cambridge University and Chris Woods of Quo Vadis Labs sent out a warning to governments around the world after reportedly discovering the hacking method. "The great danger comes from the fact that such a back door undermines the high level of security in the chip making it exposed to various attacks,” they noted in a document cited by the Guardian.

"An attacker can disable all the security on the chip, reprogram cryptographic and access keys… or permanently damage the device." Woods claims the “back door” is inserted into a device for extra functionality, offering a secret way to get into the chip and control it without needing an encrypted channel.

The chips are used in areas such as communications and consumer products as well as the military, medical and automotive industries.

Source from

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ongoing Investments Have To Be Made To Protect Corporate And Online Perimeters

Why Hacktivists Attack?

Hacktivists usually attack because they want to embarrass their targets.

This week, Anonymous took credit for hacking a server at the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, copying 1.76 GB of data and posting it online.

Why? "... to spread information, to allow the people to be heard and to know the corruption in their government. We are releasing it to end the corruption that exists, and truly make those who are being oppressed free," hackers claiming to be part of Anonymous posted on

Another example: this week's takedown of WHMCS, a UK-based online billing platform used by Web hosting providers throughout the world. The hacktivist group known as UGNazi took credit for a breach of WHMCS's database - a breach that likely exposed details on 500,000 payment cards.

The group also launched a denial of service attack on one of WHMCS's servers, which ultimately took the platform's site down for 24 hours and disrupted service to its global client base. Why? UGNazi says it targeted WHMCS because the company refused to address security vulnerabilities.

In a May 23 post on Pastebin, UGNazi hacker Cosmo says WHMCS's database was leaked because the company ignored UGNazi's warnings about security concerns linked to its Web hosting provider, HostGator.

Cosmo writes: "It is now 2 days after the attack from us and the site is back up and it still remains on HostGator after Matt knows it is insecure. ... We laugh at your security."

UGNazi hackers reportedly socially engineered customer service reps at HostGator into coughing up admin credentials to WHMCS's servers.

How could WHMCS have avoided this attack? Perhaps by publicly responding to the threats and admitting it needed to enhance security.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Managing The Threat Landscape for SAP Systems

A Ten Step Guide to Implementing SAP’s New Security Recommendations

SAP issued a revamped version of the whitepaper Secure Configuration of SAP Netweaver Application Server using ABAP, which is rapidly becoming the de-facto standard for securing the technical components of SAP.

According to SAP, the guidance provided in the whitepaper is intended to help customers protect “ABAP systems against unauthorized access within the corporate network”. In fact, many of the recommendations can also be used to protect SAP systems against remote attacks originating outside such a network. These attacks are targeted at the technical components of SAP Netweaver that are responsible for managing user authentication, authorization, encryption, passwords and system interfaces, as well as underlying databases and operating systems.

Breaches in these components can enable attackers to take complete control of an SAP environment. The following is a quick guide to help you comply with SAP’s recommendations.

1. Disable unnecessary network ports and services. In most cases, this means blocking all connections between end user networks and ABAP systems other than those required by the Dispatcher (port 32NN), Gateway (33NN), Message Server (36NN) and HTTPS (443NN). NN is a placeholder for your SAP instance number. Administrative access should only be allowed through secure protocols such as SSH and restricted to dedicated subnets or workstations through properly configured firewall rules.

2. Install the latest version of SAP GUI. This should be 7.10 or 7.20 with activated security rules configured with the ‘Customized’ setting and the ‘Ask’ default action.

3. Implement strong password policies, restrict access to password hashes in tables and activate the latest hashing algorithms. SAP does not specify the exact settings for password policy parameters but you should use frameworks such as the PCI DSS as a proxy. Refer to section 8.5 of the standard. Default passwords should be changed for standard users and the password hashing mechanism should be upgraded to the latest version available for your system. Wherever possible, downward-compatible hashes should be removed from the database.

4. Enable SNC and SSL. SAP client and server communication traffic is not cryptographically authenticated or encrypted. Therefore, data transmitted within SAP networks can be intercepted and modified through Man-In-The-Middle attacks. Secure Network Communication (SNC) should be used for mutual authentication and strong encryption. This can be performed natively if both servers and clients run on Windows. You will need to use a third party product to secure connections between heterogeneous environments such as AIX to Windows. SNC will secure network communication using the SAP DIAG and RFC protocols. For Web-based communication, you should switch to HTTPS/ SSL and restrict access to the relevant cryptographic keys.

5. Restrict ICF services. Many of the services enabled by default in the Internet Communication Framework (ICF) are open to abuse and could enable unauthorized and malicious access to SAP systems and resources. At a very minimum, you should deactivate the dozen or so services mentioned by SAP in the white paper. This can be performed through transaction SICF.

6. Secure Remote Function Calls (RFC). Wherever possible, remove trust relationships between systems with differing security classifications and hardcoded user credentials in RFC destinations. The belief that RFC connections using SAP_ALL privileges is fine as long as the user type is set to dialog is a myth. This represents a serious risk to the integrity of information in SAP systems.

7. Secure the SAP Gateway. The Gateway is used to manage RFC communications which support SAP interfaces such as BAPI, ALE and IDoc. Access Control Lists (ACL) should be created to prevent the registration of rogue or malicious RFC servers which can lead to the interruption of SAP services and compromise data during transit. You should also enable Gateway logging and disable remote access.

8. Secure the SAP Message Server. The Message Server is primarily a load balancer for SAP network communications. Similar to the Gateway, it has no default ACL which means it is open to the same type of attacks. You should filter access to the Message Server port using a firewall and create an ACL for all required interfaces.

9. Regularly patch SAP systems. Implement missing SAP Security Notes and patch systems at least once a month. Security Notes can be downloaded from the SAP Service Market Place.

10. Regularly monitor the SAP security configuration. Standard SAP services such as EarlyWatch (EWA) and the Computing Center Management System (CCMS) can be used to monitor some security-relevant configurations. However, they do provide the same coverage as professional-grade security tools such as those used to perform SAPSCAN, a vulnerability assessment specifically engineered for SAP systems. SAPSCAN automatically reviews the configuration of your SAP environment against SAP security recommendations and hundreds of other vulnerabilities not included in the SAP white paper.

Reference: Layer Seven Security 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ernst & Young: Attacking the smart grid

Penetration testing techniques for industrial control systems and advanced metering infrastructure

The industrial control systems that provide automation for critical infrastructure have recently come under increased scrutiny, and the need to protect current infrastructure as well as integrate security into new system design is now a top priority. Penetration testing has become the latest trend in the ICS space; however, the cultural and technological differences between control systems and traditional IT systems have caused confusion around how to perform a penetration test safely and effectively. 

In this briefing, we will discuss the changing landscape in control system architecture, with special attention paid to smart grid infrastructure, and highlight the implications for security. A description of the lifecycle of a penetration test is followed by a breakdown of a typical ICS infrastructure. Specific penetration testing activities are explained for each component to provide insight for control system engineers and management into how penetration testing can benefit their organization.

Refer here to download the whitepaper.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

SNC Client Encryption Now Available Free of Charge for SAP NetWeaver Customers

Secure Network Communication Client Encryption

SNC (Secure Network Communication) Client Encryption is an optional feature for SAP GUI and the SAP NetWeaver technology platform. This software component enables users to protect communications between SAP GUI and the SAP Application Server ABAP using symmetric encryption algorithms.

It also offers encryption of business data for RFC (Remote Function Call) clients, such as the BEx Query Designer. SNC Client Encryption is based on Microsoft Kerberos technology; it does not offer single sign-on capabilities.

For detailed information, please refer to SAP Note 1643878. The software is available for download on the SAP Service Marketplace (login required):, then select Installations and Upgrades.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ten little things to secure your online presence

Life online can be a bit of a minefield, especially when it comes to avoiding malicious hacker attacks.

Here’s some basic advice on the tools and tricks you can implement immediately to secure your identity and online presence.

You’ve all heard the basic advice — use a fully updated anti-malware product, apply all patches for operating system and desktop software, avoid surfing to darker parts of the Web, etc. etc.

Those are all important but there are a few additional things you can do to secure your online presence and keep hackers at bay. Here are 10 little things that can provide big value:

1. Use a Password Manager

Password managers have emerged as an important utility to manage the mess of creating strong, unique passwords for multiple online accounts. This helps you get around password-reuse (a basic weakness in the identity theft ecosystem) and because they integrate directly with Web browsers, password managers will automatically save and fill website login forms and securely organize your life online.

Some of the better ones include LastPass, KeePass, 1Password, Stenagos and Kaspersky Password Manager. Trust me, once you invest in a Password Manager, your life online will be a complete breeze and the security benefits will be immeasurable.

2. Turn on GMail two-step verification

Google’s two-step verification for GMail accounts is an invaluable tool to make sure no one is logging into your e-mail account without your knowledge. It basically works like the two-factor authentication you see at banking sites and use text-messages sent to your phone to verify that you are indeed trying to log into your GMail. It takes a about 10-minutes to set up and can be found at the top of your Google Accounts Settings page. Turn it on and set it up now.

While you’re there, you might want to check the forwarding and delegation settings in your account to make sure your email is being directed properly. It’s also important to periodically check for unusual access or activity in your account. You can see the last account activity recorded at the bottom of GMail page, including the most recent IP addresses accessing the account.

3. Switch to Google Chrome and install KB SSL Enforcer

With sandboxing, safe browsing and the silent patching (auto-updates), Google Chrome’s security features make it the best option when compared to the other main browsers. I’d also like to emphasize Google’s security team’s speed at fixing known issues, a scenario that puts it way ahead of rivals.

Once you’ve switched to Chrome, your next move is to install the KB SSL Enforcer extension, which forces encrypted browsing wherever possible. The extension automatically detects if a site supports SSL (TLS) and redirects the browser session to that encrypted session. Very, very valuable.

4. Use a VPN everywhere

If you’re in the habit of checking e-mails or Facebook status updates in coffee shops or on public WiFi networks, it’s important that you user a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your activity and keep private data out of the hands of malicious hackers.

The video above explains all you need to know about the value of VPNs and how to set it up to authenticate and encrypt your web sessions. If you use public computers, consider using a portable VPN application that can run off a USB drive.

5. Full Disk Encryption

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has made this a resolution for 2012 and I’d like to echo this call for computer users to adopt full disk encryption to protect your private data. Full disk encryption uses mathematical techniques to scramble data so it is unintelligible without the right key.

This works independently of the policies configured in the operating system software. A different operating system or computer cannot just decide to allow access, because no computer or software can make any sense of the data without access to the right key. Without encryption, forensic software can easily be used to bypass an account password and read all the files on your computer.

Here’s a useful primer on disk encryption and why it might be the most important investment you can make in your data. Windows users have access to Microsoft BitLocker while TrueCrypt provides the most cross-platform compatibility.

6. Routine Backups

If you ever went through the sudden death of a computer or the loss of a laptop while travelling, then you know the pain of losing all your data. Get into the habit of automatically saving the contents of your machine to an external hard drive or to a secure online service.

Services like Mozy, Carbonite or iDrive can be used to back up everyone — from files to music to photos — or you can simply invest in an external hard drive and routinely back up all the stuff you can’t afford to lose. For Windows users, here’s an awesome cheat sheet from Microsoft.

7. Kill Java

Oracle Sun’s Java has bypassed Adobe software as the most targeted by hackers using exploit kits. There’s a very simple workaround for this: Immediately uninstall Java from your machine. Chances are you don’t need it and you probably won’t miss it unless you’re using a very specific application. Removing Java will significantly reduce the attack surface and save you from all these annoying checked-by-default bundles that Sun tries to sneak onto your computer.

8. Upgrade to Adobe Reader X

Adobe’s PDF Reader is still a high-value target for skilled, organized hacking groups so it’s important to make sure you are running the latest and greatest version of the software. Adobe Reader and Acrobat X contains Protected Mode, a sandbox technology that serves as a major deterrent to malicious exploits.

According to Adobe security chief Brad Arkin says the company has not yet been a single piece of malware identified that is effective against a version X install. This is significant. Update immediately. If you still distrust Adobe’s software, you may consider switching to an alternative product.

9. Common sense on social networks

Facebook and Twitter have become online utilities and, as expected, the popular social networks are a happy hunting ground for cyber-criminals. I strongly recommend against using Facebook because the company has no respect or regard for user privacy but, if you can’t afford to opt out of the social narrative, it’s important to always use common sense on social networks.

Do not post anything sensitive or overly revealing because your privacy is never guaranteed. Pay special attention to the rudimentary security features and try to avoid clicking on strange video or links to news items that can lead to social engineering attacks. Again, common sense please.

10. Don’t forget the basics

None of the tips above would be meaningful if you forget the basics. For starters, enable Windows Automatic Updates to ensure operating system patches are applied in a timely manner. Use a reputable anti-malware product and make sure it’s always fully updated.

Don’t forget about security patches for third-party software products (Secunia CSI can help with this). When installing software, go slowly and look carefully at pre-checked boxes that may add unwanted crap to your machine. One last thing: Go through your control panel and uninstall software that you don’t or won’t use.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

20 critical controls for effective cyber defence

Baseline of high-priority information security measures and controls

The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure is participating in an international government-industry effort to promote the top twenty critical controls for computer and network security. The development of these controls is being coordinated by the SANS Institute.

The Top Twenty Critical Security Controls are a baseline of high-priority information security measures and controls that can be applied across an organisation in order to improve its cyber defence. The controls (and sub-controls) focus on various technical measures and activities, with the primary goal of helping organisations prioritise their efforts to defend against the current most common and damaging computer and network attacks.

The controls (and sub-controls) focus on various technical measures and activities, with the primary goal of helping organisations prioritise their efforts to defend against the current most common and damaging computer and network attacks.

Outside of the technical realm, a comprehensive security program should also take into account many other areas of security, including overall policy, organisational structure, personnel issues and physical security. To help maintain focus, the twenty controls do not deal with these important but non-technical aspects of information security.

The twenty controls and supporting advice are dynamic in order that they recognise changing technology and methods of attack. All twenty controls, together with a brief description, are given below. For further information, visit the SANS website.


Reduce the ability of attackers to find and exploit unauthorised and unprotected systems. Use active monitoring and configuration management to maintain an up-to-date inventory of devices connected to the enterprise network, including servers, workstations, laptops, mobile, and remote devices.


Identify vulnerable or malicious software to mitigate or root out attacks. Devise a list of authorised software for each type of system, and deploy tools to track software installed (including type, version, and patches) and monitor for unauthorised or unnecessary software.


Prevent attackers from exploiting services and settings that allow easy access through networks and browsers. Build a secure image that is used for all new systems deployed to the enterprise, host these standard images on secure storage servers, regularly validate and update these configurations, and track system images in a configuration management system.


Proactively identify and repair software vulnerabilities reported by security researchers or vendors. Regularly run automated vulnerability scanning tools against all systems and quickly remediate any vulnerabilities - with critical problems fixed within 48 hours.


Block malicious code from tampering with system settings or contents, capturing sensitive data, or spreading. Use automated anti-virus and anti-spyware software to continuously monitor and protect workstations, servers, and mobile devices. Automatically update such anti-malware tools on all machines on a daily basis. Prevent systems from using auto-run programs to access removable media.


Scan for, discover, and remediate vulnerabilities in web-based and other application software. Carefully test internally developed and third-party application software for security flaws, including coding errors and malware. Deploy web application firewalls that inspect all traffic, and explicitly check for errors in all user input (including by size and data type).


Protect the security perimeter against unauthorised wireless access. Allow wireless devices to connect to the network only if they match an authorised configuration and security profile and have a documented owner and defined business need. Ensure that all wireless access points are manageable using enterprise management tools. Configure scanning tools to detect wireless access points.


Minimise the damage from an attack: Implement a trustworthy plan for removing all traces of an attack. Automatically back up all information required to fully restore each system, including the operating system, application software, and data. Back up all systems at least weekly; back up sensitive systems more often. Regularly test the restoration process.

Find knowledge gaps, and fill them with exercises and training. Develop a Security Skills Assessment program, map training against the skills required for each job, and use the results to allocate resources effectively to improve security practices.


Preclude electronic holes from forming at connection points with the Internet, other organisations, and internal network segments: Compare firewall, router, and switch configurations against standards for each type of network device. Ensure that any deviations from the standard configurations are documented and approved and that any temporary deviations are undone when the business need abates.


Allow remote access only to legitimate users and services. Apply host-based firewalls and port-filtering and scanning tools to block traffic that is not explicitly allowed. Properly configure web servers, mail servers, file and print services, and domain name system (DNS) servers to limit remote access. Disable automatic installation of unnecessary software components. Move servers inside the firewall unless remote access is required for business purposes.


Protect and validate administrative accounts on desktops, laptops, and servers to prevent two common types of attack: (1) enticing users to open a malicious e-mail, attachment, or file, or to visit a malicious website; and (2) cracking an administrative password and thereby gaining access to a target machine. Use robust passwords that follow known standards.


Control the flow of traffic through network borders, and police content by looking for attacks and evidence of compromised machines. Establish multilayered boundary defences by relying on firewalls, proxies, demilitarised zone (DMZ) perimeter networks, and other network-based tools. Filter inbound and outbound traffic, including through business partner networks (“extranets”).


Use detailed logs to identify and uncover the details of an attack, including the location, malicious software deployed, and activity on victim machines. Generate standardised logs for each hardware device and the software installed on it, including date, time stamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other information about each packet and/or transaction. Store logs on dedicated servers, and run biweekly reports to identify and document anomalies.


Prevent attackers from gaining access to highly sensitive data. Carefully identify and separate critical data from information that is readily available to internal network users. Establish a multilevel data classification scheme based on the impact of any data exposure, and ensure that only authenticated users have access to non-public data and files.


Prevent attackers from impersonating legitimate users. Review all system accounts and disable any that are not associated with a business process and owner. Immediately revoke system access for terminated employees or contractors. Disable dormant accounts and encrypt and isolate any files associated with such accounts. Use robust passwords that follow known standards.


Stop unauthorised transfer of sensitive data through network attacks and physical theft. Scrutinise the movement of data across network boundaries, both electronically and physically, to minimise the exposure to attackers. Monitor people, processes, and systems, using a centralised management framework.


Protect the organisation’s reputation, as well as its information. Develop an incident response plan with clearly delineated roles and responsibilities for quickly discovering an attack and then effectively containing the damage, eradicating the attacker’s presence, and restoring the integrity of the network and systems.


Keep poor network design from enabling attackers. Use a robust, secure network engineering process to prevent security controls from being circumvented. Deploy network architecture with at least three tiers: DMZ, middleware, private network. Allow rapid deployment of new access controls to quickly deflect attacks.


Use simulated attacks to improve organisational readiness. Conduct regular internal and external penetration tests that mimic an attack to identify vulnerabilities and gauge the potential damage. Use periodic red team exercises—all out attempts to gain access to critical data and systems— to test existing defences and response capabilities.

Prioritisation of the critical controls:

The twenty controls are a baseline of high-priority ‘technical’ information security measures and controls that can be applied across an organisation to improve its cyber defence. In order for a control to be a high priority, it must provide a direct defence against attacks.

Controls that mitigate known attacks, or a wide variety of attacks, or attacks early in the compromise cycle, all have priority over other controls. Controls that mitigate the impact of a successful attack also have a high priority. Special consideration is given to controls that help mitigate attacks that have not yet been discovered.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Android Network Toolkit for Penetration Testing and Hacking

Zimperium have unveiled the Android Network Toolkit for easy hacking on the go!

ANTi is a smartphone, android based, penetration testing toolkit that can scan a network, find vulnerabilities, run exploits, produce reports and more.

There is a free version with limited functions and several paid versions that scale up in functionality. The videos linked at the bottom of this article are interesting.

ANTi – Android Network Toolkit – []

What is Anti?

ZImperium LTD is proud to annonce Android Network Toolkit – Anti.
Anti consists of 2 parts: The Anti version itself and extendable plugins. Upcoming updates will add functionality, plugins or vulnerabilities/exploits to Anti

Using Anti is very intuitive – on each run, Anti will map your network, scan for active devices and vulnerabilities, and will display the information accordingly: Green led signals an ‘Active device’, Yellow led signals “Available ports”, and Red led signals “Vulnerability found”.

Also, each device will have an icon representing the type of the device. When finished scanning, Anti will produce an automatic report specifying which vulnerabilities you have or bad practices used, and how to fix each one of them.

Anti – Android Network Toolkit Capabilities Video/Demo by ZImperium LTD – []

Hacking a Mac using Android Network Toolkit CSE in ANTI3 by ZImperium LTD – []

Thursday, January 5, 2012

How Developers Can Secure their Code?

5 Application Security Tips

Over the last 30 years, many organizations have done an amazing job of automating their business, resulting in productivity gains, efficiencies and innovations.

Unfortunately, the threat landscape has changed dramatically during this time. A lot of that application code, written without security in mind decades ago, is still the heart-and-soul of many enterprises. That code was designed for a world where computers could not be accessed remotely.

Since then, it has been wrapped, integrated, connected, ported, and most importantly, exposed. That application code is not strong enough to withstand today's threat.

OWASP has a number of free and open-source resources that developers can use right now to help secure their code.

5 Tips for Developers

Start with the OWASP Top Ten
- This awareness document will help you understand, identify, and fix the most critical application security risks quickly.

Get hands-on with WebGoat - WebGoat is a deliberately flawed application that is riddled with holes to give people the opportunity for hands-on learning. It is open-sourced to help developers and security testers get experience with real vulnerabilities.

Leverage the OWASP Cheat Sheets - This is a fantastic series from leading experts globally. Let me know what you think of the Cross-Site Scripting Prevention Cheat Sheet, one of OWASP's most popular pages.

Verify Your Applications - There is no substitute for getting real facts about the security of your application portfolio. OWASP Application Security Verification Standard helps developers get started scanning, testing and code reviewing with tools like OWASP Zap and CSRFTester.

Get Training - Perhaps the hardest thing about application security is that there are so many different ways that software can fail, particularly when it's targeted by a motivated attacker. The key is training to get started with securing applications quickly.

If instructor-led training isn't possible, eLearning solutions are available to allow developers to learn on-demand and get hands-on, practical experience with vulnerabilities, security controls and real code. Training is a remarkably effective way to reduce vulnerabilities.

Before you trust your business to application software, make certain that the people who are writing your code know how to defend your business and its assets. It's time to learn.