Friday, February 18, 2011

Cybercrime Index: How Identities were stolen today?

Online Dangers Alert

Anti-virus firm Symantec has launched a cybercrime tracking service in a bid stop computer users from becoming complacent about online threats.

The Free service names the most threatening viruses for the day, where most identities were stolen in the previous day, and if hacker activity is higher or lower than average. The data is compiled via Symantec's Norton software and internet monitoring.

According to the service, hackers were today responsible for stealing 78 percent of online identities and 21 percent were accidentally made public. About two-thirds of stolen identities were taken from the manufacturing industry, while 18 percent were nicked from communications or public relations business.

The threat of identity theft has doubled in the past two days and "translator" is the most popular word being inserted on infected websites to lure in search engine users.
1314.QQ[dot]com remains the world's most dangerous website.
Norton 360 version 5.0 will provide quick access to the index data and reveal how many attacks are detected in which suburbs.

Anti-virus company AVG said: "Cybercriminals were increasingly using phones to rob people". The company found more than one-third of smartphone owners were unaware of the increasing security risks associated with using mobiles to buy goods or store personal data.

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