NetworkMiner is a Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows. NetworkMiner can be used as a passive network sniffer/packet capturing tool in order to detect operating systems, sessions, hostnames, open ports etc. without putting any traffic on the network. NetworkMiner can also parse PCAP files for off-line analysis and to regenerate/reassemble transmitted files and certificates from PCAP files.
The purpose of NetworkMiner is to collect data (such as forensic evidence) about hosts on the network rather than to collect data regarding the traffic on the network. The main view is host centric (information grouped per host) rather than packet centric (information showed as a list of packets/frames).NetworkMiner performs OS fingerprinting based on TCP SYN and SYN+ACK packet by using OS fingerprinting databases from p0f (by Michal Zalewski) and Ettercap (by Alberto Ornaghi and Marco Valleri). NetworkMiner can also perform OS fingerprinting based on DHCP packets (which usually are broadcast packets) by making use of the Satori (by Eric Kollmann) OS fingerprinting database from FingerBank. NetworkMiner also uses the MAC-vendor list from Nmap (by Fyodor).
The newly released version 0.84 of NetworkMiner supports live sniffing of WLAN traffic (IEEE 802.11). This allows users to perform wireless network forensic analysis on any Windows machine with an AirPcap adapter installed. The RadioTap protocol as well as the Logical Link Control (LLC) protocol are also implemented in order to extract as much information as possible about the hosts communicating over a WLAN.
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