Ubuntu Based Linux Security Distro..
Another Linux Security - penetration testing Distro has just been released by tech4master , it’s called Protech! Since Protech is an Ubuntu based Linux Security Distro, it is known to have the most compatible hardware detection system. The review I read on fusion’s blog said something like this:
"My personal favourite is the Ubuntu based Protech ONE distro. I suggest it over other live security distros because of the Ubuntu cores’ hardware compatibility. Most other distros have several problems when it comes to newer computers, especially laptops. I have booted this cd on several of my computers and never had a single problem so far. The other reason I suggest it is the simplicity of aptitude for installing packages. Although most Ubuntu package repositories are noted for having out of date versions of software, they are tested and working. For a Linux newbie, compiling programs, resolving dependencies, and proper configuration can be the biggest turn off."
Softwares that included in this distro are:
Window Manager: Fluxbox
Browsers: Opera® (with tor and privoxy) and w3m (console browser)
File manager: Thunar
Search software: Catfish
Text editors: Mousepad; Vim; Nano
Multimedia: Audacious; Player; Gnome baker
Network: XAMPP; Hamachi; Ndiswrapper (GUI); AutoScan; Hybrid-Share; Wicd (Network Manager); Network Tools; Gftp; Pidgin; telnet; Remote Desktop; Samba (pyNeighbourhood); OpenVNC; VNCviewer
Programming: Python2.5; Emacs22 (gtk2); Anjuta
Tools: ParolaPass; Calculator; GPSdrive; XPDF; Xarchiver
System: Printer / Scanner manager; Htop; Iftop; Start-up Manager (SUM); Ntfs-Config; Gparted; Synaptic; Screenlocker (alock); Fluxbox Menu Editor
Security ToolsAcquiring Tools: DCFLDD; DD; DD_Rescue
Cisco: Yersinia: Asleap; Cisco Exploiter
Database: Blind SQL Injection; Hackerstorm; HTTP SQL Bruteforce; Metacoretex; SQL Inject
Enumeration: DNS: Dig; DNS Enum; DNSWalk; HostGoogle: Finger Google; Google Mail Enum; Google Search; GooScanMisc: p0fSamba: NBTScan; Samba
EnumSMTP: Relay Scanner; SMTP VrfySNMP: SNMP Enum: SNMPget; SNMPset; SNMPwalkWWW: ISR Forms; List URLs; Paros Proxy
Exploits: Exploit Tree; Metasploit Framework 3; Milw0rm
Forensics: Analisys: AutopsyFile Carving: Foremost
Fuzzers: Bed; Clfuzz; Pirana
Honeypot: Labrea; Honeyd; Tinyhoneypot
Oracle: Metacoretex; OAT
Password Attacks: Offline: Rainbow Crack; Hash Collision; John; Ophcrack;
Samdump2Online: Hydra; Medusa; THC PPTP
Rootkit: rkhunter; chkrootkit
Sandbox: Plash
Scanners: Port Scanners: Amap; Nmap; OnesistyoneVPN Scanners: IKE Scan; PSK CrackVulnerability Scanners: Nikto (Nessus is not allowed, requires manual install)
Sniffers: Ettercap; Driftnet; Dsniff; Filesnarf; SSHMITM; Msgsnarf; Mailsnarf; SShow; URLsnarf; Wireshark
Spoofing: Ettercap; Yersinia; ARSpoof; DNSSpoof; Etherwake; Fragrouter; Fragroute; Icmpush
System Hardening: Bastille
Tunelling: Cryptcat; OpenVPN
Wireless Analysis: Kismet / GkismetAP Fakers: FakeAP; HotspotterCracking: Aircrack; Cowpatty; Aircrack-ptw; Airsnort.
Packet Forge: Aireplay
Protech ’s torrent are now available on here.
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